September 18th 3:00PM CET
Pre-arrival techniques to create a perfect stay
Operational Efficiency

Help your team save time and effort

Today’s guests demand faster service but also more personalisation. That is why in the hospitality industry there is a big concern about how teams can be more efficient and at the same time provide outstanding service.

Is it possible to do both? Absolutely. If you have the right solutions, you can help your staff take care of low-value-adding tasks in an easy way, helping them to focus on more important projects. All of this, without compromising the quality and the level of personalisation.

Time is the most important resource we have, and your team can save up to 2 hours when optimising and automating different tasks within their workflows.

Operational Efficiency

Help your team save time and effort

Today’s guests demand faster service but also more personalisation. That is why in the hospitality industry there is a big concern about how teams can be more efficient and at the same time provide outstanding service.

Is it possible to do both? Absolutely. If you have the right solutions, you can help your staff take care of low-value-adding tasks in an easy way, helping them to focus on more important projects. All of this, without compromising the quality and the level of personalisation.

Time is the most important resource we have, and your team can save up to 2 hours when optimising and automating different tasks within their workflows.

What results can you reach?

Motivate your staff by freeing them from repetitive tasks
Save valuable hours of time (up to 2 hours per day!)
Reduce your response times
Be perceived as more professional
Engage better with your guests
Reduce human mistakes
Improve guest experience
Free up time for other projects

How can you get better results with Bookboost?

How can you get better results with Bookboost?

Multi-Channel CRM

Use the guest journey builder in the multi-channel CRM to schedule all your communications at the day and time you want to. You can do this at any stage of the guest journey and your messages will flow without constant supervision.

Set triggers and send automated messages on different channels, all without having your staff constantly and manually taking care of it. You can automate the booking confirmation, set up a trigger for a pre-registration message, a message asking for a review after the stay is over, and more.

Digital Interactive Guide

Give your guests all the information they need based on their profile and preferences. In this way, there will be fewer inquiries and fewer calls, because communication will be clear. Hence, your staff will optimise their time.

At the same time, you will create a better guest experience because your customers will feel you are taking care of them, providing the information they need without asking for it.

Unified Inbox

You will bundle all your incoming messages into one general inbox. Your team will forget about switching between platforms, saving valuable time. With the use of quick replies, you will reduce your response time, taking care of inquiries faster than ever.

And with inbox filtering you can assign conversations to specific departments and colleagues to increase collaboration and reduce effort. In addition, when the team is busy, the hotel chatbot can be activated, to provide constant service even after office hours.

Customer Stories

This is how you save up to 2 hours per day using automation

Northern Lights Village optimised its communications, not only saving time for its staff but also making its campaigns more effective.

Experience the power of Bookboost

Unlock the potential of your hospitality business with Bookboost.