September 18th 3:00PM CET
Pre-arrival techniques to create a perfect stay
Direct Bookings

Increase your direct bookings

Today, with thousands of hotels operating in the same city where your property is, the battle for direct bookings is fiercer than ever. OTAs reign supreme, often swallowing a hefty chunk of your revenue with each reservation.

So, how do you break free and capture more guests booking directly with your hotel? The answer lies in a multi-pronged approach. You need to showcase the value of booking directly instead of using an OTA.

Elevate your marketing game
Rethink your assets (website, social media accounts, etc.) to showcase an experience instead of merely rooms or apartments.

Use your guest data to build connections
Create campaigns to specific audiences, showcase your unique offerings, and highlight the advantages of booking directly - think exclusive deals, flexible cancellation policies, and personalised experiences.

Reengage OTA bookers
Contact them with incentives that encourage them to come back to your property and book direct on their next stay. Incorporate them to your database and work on increasing loyalty.

Foster genuine connections
Either on your website or on social media, respond promptly to inquiries and deliver an excellent customer service. Remember, guests seek trust and value. Demonstrate both by offering transparent pricing, local recommendations, and a commitment to exceeding expectations.

Now, imagine amplifying your efforts with powerful tools.
Bookboost, equipped with a Multi-Channel CRM and Unified Inbox, empowers you to do just that. Streamline communication, personalise guest interactions, and gain valuable insights to further optimise your strategy.

Direct Bookings

Increase your direct bookings

Many accommodation businesses around the world struggle to increase direct reservations. Since OTAs have increased their popularity tremendously and more travellers see them as their first option to make a booking, the question that remains is: how to increase direct bookings at your hotel?

You can use a combination of marketing, excellent user experience, quick response rate, and incentives to drive more direct bookings. The goal is for the user to see the value in booking directly at your hotel instead of using an OTA.

What results can you achieve?

More direct bookings
Higher guest satisfaction
Increased guest loyalty
Increased revenue
More upselling opportunities

How can you get better results with Bookboost?

How can you get better results with Bookboost?

Multi-Channel CRM & OTA Data Enrichment

With the Multi-Channel CRM, you can turn your OTA bookers into loyal customers by gathering their data and creating personalised campaigns for them. When you send the right message and offer the right incentive, they will see the value of direct bookings.

Web Messenger

Did you know that 80% of guests check hotel websites before booking on OTAs? Engage with them while they are navigating your website, allowing them to ask questions directly, instead of going to the OTAs.

Unified Inbox

The key is to engage your visitors while they are interested and convince them to book. How to do it? Providing the right answers at the right time. With the “Quick replies” from our Unified Inbox, your staff will have more time and your web visitors will receive instant answers to their questions.

Customer Stories

Superbude Hotels Found a Unique Approach within Hospitality

We asked Jörn Hoppe how they make such a big impact on today’s traveller. Have a look at the video for his story!

Experience the power of Bookboost

Unlock the potential of your hospitality business with Bookboost.