September 18th 3:00PM CET
Pre-arrival techniques to create a perfect stay
Hotel Marketing

Target the right guest with the right campaign

If the goal is to reach more guests and generate more direct bookings, you should be paying attention to your hotel marketing strategy. Nowadays, every brand is fighting for the consumer’s attention. If you want to stay on top of their mind, you need to leverage your guest data and use it to create initiatives that resonate with them.

Use the right channel
Today, sending emails is not the only way. Guests receive dozens to hundreds of emails per day from a variety of brands. This challenges marketers in the hospitality industry as many of their e-mails are left unread, and even when read, the content needs to be extra relevant for guests to pay attention.
The answer is to embrace a multi-channel approach. If you give your audience the possibility to choose how they want to hear from you, you are already one step forward. Some guests will prefer email while others will choose WhatsApp or SMS, sending your open and conversion rates to the skies.

Retargeting to boost conversions
Retargeting is one big strategy of marketers and the hospitality industry is no exception for it. You can retarget guests who were on your website, who abandoned their booking or even the ones who already booked the first time with you. Bookboost CRM will help you extract that data and use it on different platforms to help you reach the results you need.

Personalisation and automation that go hand in hand
If you want the user’s attention, you need to stay relevant. This means, always providing value in your communications. The one-message-fits-all approach is no longer useful, business guests have different needs than leisure guests, and the same happens with other types of guests. Personalisation is key to not end up in the spam folder or the list of forgotten brands. Once again, you can use your guest data to personalise all your communications, sending the right message to the right person.
And this doesn’t need to be time-consuming. Bookboost CRM has different triggers you can use to automate all your communications, creating guest journeys that simply work.

If the goal is to reach more guests and generate more direct bookings, you should be paying attention to your hotel marketing strategy.

Nowadays, every brand is fighting for the consumer’s attention. If you want to stay on top of their mind, you need to leverage your guest data and use it to create initiatives that resonate with them.

Use the right channel
Today, sending emails is not the only way. Guests receive dozens to hundreds of emails per day from a variety of brands. This challenges marketers in the hospitality industry as many of their e-mails are left unread, and even when read, the content needs to be extra relevant for guests to pay attention.

The answer is to embrace a multi-channel approach. If you give your audience the possibility to choose how they want to hear from you, you are already one step forward. Some guests will prefer email while others will choose WhatsApp or SMS, sending your open and conversion rates to the skies.

Use the right channel

Today, sending emails is not the only way. Guests receive dozens to hundreds of emails per day from a variety of brands. This challenges marketers in the hospitality industry as many of their e-mails are left unread, and even when read, the content needs to be extra relevant for guests to pay attention.
The answer is to embrace a multi-channel approach. If you give your audience the possibility to choose how they want to hear from you, you are already one step forward. Some guests will prefer email while others will choose WhatsApp or SMS, sending your open and conversion rates to the skies.

Retargeting to boost conversions
Retargeting is one big strategy of marketers and the hospitality industry is no exception for it. You can retarget guests who were on your website, who abandoned their booking or even the ones who already booked the first time with you.

Bookboost CRM will help you extract that data and use it on different platforms to help you reach the results you need.

Personalisation and automation that go hand in hand
If you want the user’s attention, you need to stay relevant. This means, always providing value in your communications. The one-message-fits-all approach is no longer useful, business guests have different needs than leisure guests, and the same happens with other types of guests.
Personalisation is key to not end up in the spam folder or the list of forgotten brands. Once again, you can use your guest data to personalise all your communications, sending the right message to the right person.

And this doesn’t need to be time-consuming. Bookboost CRM has different triggers you can use to automate all your communications, creating guest journeys that simply work.

What results can you expect?

Higher conversion rates: 8x higher than with regular top-notch e-mail marketing tools
Higher guest engagement
Increased guest loyalty
Higher brand awareness

How can you get better results with Bookboost?

How can you get better results with Bookboost?

Multi-Channel CRM

Bookboost CRM is the tool you need to organise your guest data and use it to deliver amazing experiences.

All features are oriented to help hotel marketers save time, effort, understand their data and create insightful multi-channel campaigns in minutes.

Use marketing automation, segmentation, personalisation tokens and a low-code approach to elevate your hotel marketing game.

OTA Data Enrichment

Collect the right data of guests that booked via OTAs. In this way, you have real data you can rely on to build a unique guest profile for each guest with relevant information to communicate with them.

Customer Stories

Managing guest communication & personalisation in a multi-property hotel

Discover how Kronen Hotels ensures smooth communication with guests across properties.

Experience the power of Bookboost

Unlock the potential of your hospitality business with Bookboost.