September 18th 3:00PM CET
Pre-arrival techniques to create a perfect stay

Product Updates

New features for you to connect with your guests!

2-Way integration with Apaleo, Expanded CRM Functionalities, and more

Get to know your guests right away
Discover what's new in the Bookboost platform! New features for you to connect with your guests.

Formatting of emails in the inbox and support for multiple attachments

Enrich the messages to your guests
Now, you can add multiple attachments to your messages and use our rich text editor, making it easier to share documents and additional materials while tailoring the text visuals the way you want.

Guest Profile Slide-In Rebuild

Organise guest information the way you want
A new design which improves the user experience by having all the relevant data which can be rearranged and pinned for operational efficiency. For example, if you want to easily see when each guest's reservation ends, pin the reservation period and keep it always open in the guest profile.

New Reservation Show

Access all reservation information in an easy way
Access all the collected information about the reservations properly categorised into different sections and matching the new design. Before, only a subset of the reservation information was shown, but now you can see it all divided into categories and in an easily consumable way.

Apaleo 2-way integration

Sending data from Bookboost to Apaleo is now possible
Now, there is the possibility to also send back data from Bookboost to Apaleo, which enables a new set of possibilities, such as online check-in and profile enrichment.

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