September 18th 3:00PM CET
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Guide: The real way to recover direct bookings and outcompete others long-term

These powerful strategies will help you not only to recover direct bookings but also stay competitive in the long run.
Daan de Bruijn
Feb 10, 2023
5 min read
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As years have gone by, Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) have become more and more important for the customers, taking a big portion of the direct bookings. 

This has caused a big concern within hoteliers and all are asking the same question: How to recover direct bookings from OTAs? 

With the guests expectations changing a a quick pace, technology moving forward and the industry facing different trends, this might seem like a big challenge. However, there are different actions you can develop to achieve that goal.

In this guide, you will find not only different strategies you can apply to answer the million-dollar question and increase your direct bookings, but also an approach that will help you to stay competitive in the long-term. Because this is when you see the real results. 

You will find nine powerful strategies that can be developed by your marketing, operations and even revenue team.

So if you are wondering what are the next steps? Go ahead and download the guide and start working on it today. 

Download your guide today

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