September 18th 3:00PM CET
Pre-arrival techniques to create a perfect stay

How to design your hotel tech stack?

Let’s dive into the key factors when planning your hotel tech stack for 2024. Everything you as a hotelier should be paying attention to.
October 26, 2023
1 hour
An afterwork you can’t miss.

Let’s dive into the key factors when planning your hotel tech stack for 2024.

What has changed? What is the same? Everything you as a hotelier should be paying attention to. In the middle of the buying season, knowing how to avoid common mistakes can be a life saver for your hotel and your budget. Don’t miss out and join us!

Who is joining?

  • Thomas Landen, CMO at RoomPriceGenie
  • Tobias Koehler, Founder at Hotel Tech Solutions
  • Johanna Bernuy, Marketing Manager at Bookboost

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