September 18th 3:00PM CET
Pre-arrival techniques to create a perfect stay

Manage Guest Journey Strategy: How to optimise efforts and maximize revenue

Join this webinar to learn about how to create a guest journey strategy that drives revenue using the resources you have.
April 4, 2024
3:00 PM
1 hour
An afterwork you can’t miss.

Guest journeys not only should be smooth and friction-free for every guest but also help hotels drive real results without compromising all your staff’s time.

However, often hoteliers face the challenge of mixing these two approaches. In this session, we will explore how to create a guest journey strategy that drives revenue using the resources you have.

These are the main key takeaways you can expect:

- How to map your guest journey: Understand exactly what your guests need at every step.

- Understand how to optimize touchpoints using automation and personalisation.

- Strategies to boost guest engagement: how to turn happy guests into repeat customers and brand advocates.

- How to optimise your journey to create real value for guests.

Join a panel of experienced hoteliers and hospitality leaders as they explore this topic providing valuable insights for your property.

Event highlights:
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